Church History
A Brief History (adapted from a history compiled at the 80th anniversary of the church, 1986)

The community which became known as Boskydell was surveyed and a town laid out in 1877. Around a railroad stop stores were built, a sawmill set up, and homes were built. As the village grew, the need for a place of worship became apparent and a little church was erected on a rocky hillside of Boskydell. The church was constituted in August of 1906 as the Boskydell Free Baptist Church with the Rev. A. J. Rendleman as pastor.
In March of 1907 a pie supper was held for the benefit of buying a new organ for the church. It was well attended and receipts were $12.60.
In the early years Sunday School was held every Sunday morning and church services every second and fourth Sundays. The first baptism was held at the creek running through Boskydell and twenty were baptized with about 600 present at the baptismal service.
By 1909 Boskydell boasted of having four grocery stores and a tonsorial parlor. A post office, the train depot, two stone quarries, a bank, two livery stables, a saw mill, a rifle range, and a grain warehouse were among the thriving businesses of the little village watched over by the Baptist Church. There was also a fine school in Boskydell.
The original church building was dedicated in late August, 1907. However, the church building has a different outlook. The church door faced north, but was destined to later face to the east. After some few decades, the fine ladies of the church wanted an adequate space for serving fellowship meals, including a kitchen and dining area. The original building was facing north on a secure foundation. However, by lifting and turning the building 90 degrees, a basement that could serve as a fellowship hall could be constructed beneath the building. That is precisely what the good members did! The building was jacked up, and turned 90 degrees, now facing the church door to the east, then lowered onto the new basement foundation – mission accomplished. The same building (with regular upgrades and modernizations) still stands today.
In the late 1960's the Sunday School classes were overflowing with every nook and cranny of the building occupied by a class. Plans were drawn out and a two-story educational building was attached to the original building. The new building provided ten new classrooms and a large assembly room. A large parking lot was built along the hillside beside and behind the new educational building.
Boskydell Baptist Church celebrated her 100th anniversary in mid-August of 2006 with an overflow crowd for the morning service and a traditional "dinner on the grounds." To this day "The Little White Church in the Dell" thrives as a mission-minded, community committed church of our Lord Jesus Christ, eager to continue ministry in Boskydell, Carbondale, Illinois, America, and to the ends of the earth.